Sectors and activities | Appraisals and Agricultural Assessments
Sector activities
The “Appraisals and Assessments” area deals with all the problems that exist between individuals (e.g. relating to neighbourhood relations, to disputes, etc,…), and in cases where it becomes necessary to establish the value of an asset, of a service or a job through a logical, technical, scientific and reproducible process. The appraisals are prepared by Studio Tovaglieri and consist of background information regarding the issue and the technical and legal solutions to resolve the dispute (e.g. distances from boundaries,…).
The assessments consist of verbal and written advice which, by defining the specific characteristics of the goods being assessed and the choice of criteria and assessment methods (instrumental to the type of asset and for the purpose of the assessment), allow to clarify the value of the asset (e.g. estimate of the value of a property, estimate of the damage suffered or caused by an event or a person).
Federico Bonetti
- Dottore Agronomo iscritto all’Ordine dei Dottori Agronomi e Forestali di Milano n° 1555.
- Laurea magistrale in Scienze Agroambientali conseguita all’Università degli Studi di Milano.
- Maturità tecnica di Geometra.
- Esperienza nella redazione di stime e perizie agronomiche, estimative e giuridico-legali.