Sectors and activities | First Aid for Plants
Sector activities
In the event of an emergency health problem for people, you usually call the emergency medical care service. What about plants? Studio Tovaglieri has developed a door-to-door first aid service for plants. Sometimes problems can be solved with specific care which involves particular technical know-how, such as tree endotherapy or the administration of a specific biostimulant mixture for the roots. A qualified specialist at Studio Tovaglieri visits the plant or plants where they are actually grounded and directly administers the treatment on site, using the necessary equipment. The perfect marriage between technical advice and experience!
Carlo Fornara
- Agrotecnico con grande esperienza in campo a 360 gradi.
- Risoluzione operativa di problematiche nutrizionali e fitosanitarie.
- Trattamenti endoterapici in arboricoltura.
- Progettazione e realizzazione di impianti di irrigazione.
- Consulenza tecnico-operativa al professionista e al privato.