Sectors and activities | Laboratory of Agronomic Analysis
Sector activities
Studio Tovaglieri is equipped with its own agriculture testing laboratory. In just a few days, soils, growing media and irrigation water can be analysed and viral, fungal and bacterial diseases, phytophagous insects can be identified. Laboratory tests are an essential and necessary tool for agronomists to propose solutions to problems, following careful consideration: Studio Tovaglieri not only reports the figures of the analyses, but provides explanations, comments and gives advice on the action to take to resolve or limit the many problems that plants have.
Carlo Fornara
- Agrotecnico con grande esperienza in campo a 360 gradi.
- Risoluzione operativa di problematiche nutrizionali e fitosanitarie.
- Trattamenti endoterapici in arboricoltura.
- Progettazione e realizzazione di impianti di irrigazione.
- Consulenza tecnico-operativa al professionista e al privato.